
1) Tell us a little bit about your label (art) and what you do?

I’m a Sydney-based jeweller whose work combines creative skills and technical knowhow from a background in design and jewellery manufacture. I love bringing both perspectives together to create jewellery that’s well-made, durable and a little bit different!

2) How did you get into your type of work?

It was the result of a desire to learn something new. I took a short jewellery making course at the local arts centre and it wasn’t long until I realised that this was a career I was determined to pursue.

3) What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I’ve waitressed at a bar, interned in web design and publishing, and spent the last six years working in marketing. I firmly believe that there’s a lesson to learn no matter what job you’re doing.


4) Describe the best reactions you’ve had on work?

I had a customer buy one of my necklaces from a shop in the city. Apparently she walked past, noticed it and just had to have it! She didn’t get my name or details at the time, but somehow managed to track me down (with a little clever Googling) just to tell me how much she loved it! It’s always lovely to hear from people who own one of your creations so that little email really made my day!

5) One thing you can’t live without?

Ice cream! Big sweet tooth.

6) Aside from coffee, what gets you up in the morning?

Honestly, it’s knowing how much work needs to get done and how little time there is in the day to do it!

7) How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?

“Silly little munchkin”. Yep, I asked him. That’s what he said!

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8) What’s the next awesome skill you want to learn?

So much to learn, so little time. It would possibly be learning how to make clothes! Or woodworking. Or gemmology. Or the ins and outs of making perfect gelato!

9) Ignoring money and rules what would your dream project/artwork be?

I’d love to make a large, organic, sculptural body piece and see it sashaying down a catwalk somewhere!

10)  Favourite place to chill in Sydney?

Pie Tin in Newtown! Dessert pies galore. That’s my sweet tooth talking again.

11)  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Measure twice, cut once. Unfortunately I still get caught out on that one.

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12)  What advice would you give to new, aspiring Makers?

There are plenty of people out there who have succeeded in doing what they love and doing it well. I don’t believe that they necessarily got where they are by being geniuses or being luckier than anyone else. If they can do it, there’s no reason why we can’t!

There are plenty more people out there who haven’t succeeded, but you know which group you want to be in!

13) And most importantly, what would your ultimate karaoke song be?

Something loud and heavy that would make people look at me funny because I just don’t seem like the type!


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